Bug tracking, defect issue problem tracker evaluation

PR-Tracker vs. Bugzero

PR-Tracker (PRTracker) is a client server Windows application and each end-user need install the so-called "web client". We do not have a first hand experience of using it, the following is based on information available on their website in 2004:
  • PR-Tracker is not web-browser-based.
  • End user need install a Windows program to perform any operations over the internet.
  • PR-Tracker supports only Microsoft Access and SQL Server databases, it does not support Oracle, MySQL, or any other databases.
  • We believe, there are good reasons why a bug tracking system should be web-based as oppose to a source version control system which normally involves a client. In fact, there are only a very few of bug tracking systems that are not web-based. PRTracker is one of them.
   Bugzero is proven
bug tracking and defect tracking tool
Go for it!

Note: Statements above are time sensitive and they may not apply to the current versions of the product. You are advised to check out the current version and compare for yourself.

Try out PR-Tracker and Bugzero side-by-side, compare and see for yourself.

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