Bug tracking defect issue problem test track evaluation

Seapine TestTrack Pro vs. Bugzero

Seapine TestTrack Pro is mainly used for software bug tracking. Since the company does not offer an online demo, we do not have the first hand experience of using it. Based on information available on their website in 2004, it seems:
  • TestTrack Pro is not that expensive if you have only a few users, however, it adds up quickly with $300 per user. For example, if you have 5 users, it costs $1500, 4 times the cost of Bugzero Five-User Edition. On the other hand, if you have 50 users, it is $15,000, 12 times that of Bugzero, unlimited.
  • TestTrack Pro uses its own proprietary database to store data.
  • TestTrack Pro has a reasonably complete feature set, we believe it is a nice product.
  • If you find any useful features that TestTrack Pro has but Bugzero has not, please let us know.
   Bugzero is proven
bug tracking and defect tracking tool
Go for it!

Note: Statements above are time sensitive and they may not apply to the current versions of the product. You are advised to check out the current version and compare for yourself.

Try out TestTrack Pro and Bugzero side-by-side, compare and see for yourself.

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