Q: How to install and run MySQL 4.x on Microsoft Windows?
A: The following is for installing MySQL 4.x onto Windows. For MySQL 3.x, see
Installing MySQL 3.x.
First, install MySQL with the following steps:
1. Launch the installer by clicking on Setuo.exe.
2. Select Typical
3. Install
4. Select "Skip Sign-Up"
5. Check "Configure the MySQL Server now"
6. Select "Standard Configuration"
7. Check "Install As Widnows Service"
Check "Lauch the MySQL Server automatically"
Check "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH"
8. Check "Modify Security Settings" and enter a root password.
Not check "Create An Anonymous Account"
May or may not check "Root may only connect from localhost"
9. Execute
10. Finish
After installation, you can see a "MySQL" service in the Services window, make
sure its status is Started. The MySQL server is running on port 3306 by default,
and you should see it by type "netstat -na" in a dos window.
Now, let's create a Bugzero database and a user account:
1. You can launch a cmd DOS window and type
mysql -uroot -p
After user root logged in, you should see the mysql> prompt.
mysql> use mysql;
and then create a database by:
mysql> create database bugzero_db;
Here, bugzero_db is the database name.
You can create a user account bugzero with the following command:
TO bugzero@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'bugzero_password';
TO bugzero@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'bugzero_password';
Note that, the user and database name can be any valid name, we use bugzero and
bugzero_db only for the convenience of discussion.
2. To see the bugzero_db database is created, type
mysql> show databases;
You should see bugzero_db is listed. To see the bugzero user, you can type
mysql> select host,user,password from user;
you should see bugzero is listed.
3. Now, log off user root, and login user bugzero by typing
mysql -ubugzero -p
it should ask you for a password
4. Now within mysql>, type use bugzero_db;
You should be in the database bugzero_db.
If access denied, then, you may need another grant, see MySql connection problem
for more detail.
5. If all these steps are taken and no errors occur, your mysql database is set!